BlackSheep Consulting

A Woman-Owned business

About BlackSheep

BlackSheep's Marketing Experience

Marketing is the secret to a successful business.  And it is a secret that I want to share with you. The greatest idea will go nowhere without an understanding of your customer, where you find them and how to have a conversation with them.  A strategic, focused marketing approach will help you move forward, one step at a time, to start your business.

The BlackSheep Story

Why BlackSheep?  My career has been a path of non-traditional marketing. I've worked for banks, in the secondary mortgage market and for a large HMO. None of these are the traditional consumer packaged goods everyone wants to work for. 

As a college professor with a doctorate in marketing, I taught business to art and design students. Talk about being the BlackSheep.  This is about as far from the norm as you can get. And now, I continue to teach marketing to the non-traditional student.  My student today is the adult learner, who works full time and may very well be a veteran. Once again, a different BlackSheep type of experience. But it works. And it shows how a BlackSheep can really take an opportunity and make the best of it.  And that's exactly what we do. 


What BlackSheep Can Do For You

BlackSheep has always taken a different path. A non-traditional path that takes a different route to success. And that is what we will continue to do.  

Marketing isn't a one size fits all solution. There is no cookie cutter approach that works for everyone. Looking at marketing from the eyes of a BlackSheep can show you the unique path for you.  And isn't that the ultimate goal. 

Contact Us

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Talk to Me

I truly believe marketing is the key to any successful business.  I have helped hundreds of veterans, career changers and entrepreneurs build a marketing plan that will separate themselves from the pack.

I can help you take the first step.  It’s easier than you think.

Just call me or send me an email.

Dr. Lisa Amans

BlackSheep Consulting

(301) 221-5421